Professional Indemnity for Office Services in Hungary

Anyone who operates an office service needs professional indemnity insurance: The variety of activities in this profession involve considerable risk. The nature and scope of the tasks that freelancers and self-employed people perform in this area can vary from day to day, which makes it easy for professional mistakes or oversights to creep in. That’s why you should opt for a premium with exali that includes blanket coverage for your profession. This ensures your business is comprehensively protected at all times, even with changing tasks.
Professional indemnity for office services - The better professional indemnity insurance
from € 133,10 net p.a.

The Best Possible Protection with Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions

  • Comprehensive protection against claims for compensation
  • Warnings and legal violations are insured.
  • Instant insurance coverage with online sign up
  • Several different activities are insurable.
  • Tailored to freelancers and independent office services
Awarded the eKomi Gold Seal!
Awarded the eKomi Gold Seal!
4.8 / 5
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exali Liability Seal

Indemnity Insurance Seal for your Principals

  • Individual and comprehensive insurance protection
  • High coverage sums for financial losses
  • No-claims evidence going back five years

Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions provides ideal protection for office service professionals from Hungary. In the event of a damage event, the insurer handles everything – from the examination of the claims to payment of compensation.

Protection for Office Services

Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions is specially tailored to your business as an office services company in the digital age. All professional liability claims are optimally covered, regardless of whether you work at your customer’s location or remotely.


General and Personal Indemnity Insurance

With general liability insurance, you protect yourself against personal injury and property damage that can occur in everyday office services and for which you may be held responsible. This ensures you aren’t personally liable for mishaps at on-site appointments regardless of whether something breaks or a person is harmed.

Protect Against Financial Losses

The outsourcing of activities to you e.g. via VPN or remote desktop applications ensures efficient work, but also represents a potential security risk for your customers’ data. That’s why financial losses are also insured if they arise as a result of data loss, malware or hacker attacks.

Optional Additional Add-on

Cyber attacks have become a serious issue in everyday working life and can pose a threat to businesses, especially in office environments. Get First-Party Cyber and Data Risks Insurance (FPC) to protect your data and, in the event of an emergency, to have quick, professional help at your side.

For Instant Protection: Get Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions Now

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Why choose

  • Talk to a real person - no call centre!
  • We know what your daily worklife is like, meaning we know what you need
  • Our insurance conditions are tailored to your business
  • We handle your damages immediately
  • We make sure that your insured damage event is also resolved!
  • We also insure against unusual risks (e.g. contract liability, contract penalties)

Attention Office Service Providers from Hungary: Here Are Some of the Risks You May Face

These are typical cases in which Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions is at your side:

  • A customer from Budapest is left with unsaleable goods because of a translation error on your part.
  • You overlook a note in a meeting, which leads to an order not being fulfilled. Your customer demands compensation.
  • You accidentally delete an important record at your customers office. The customer now has to hire an IT forensic scientist to restore the lost data.
Service provider indemnity - The better professional indemnity insurance

Take out Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions Quickly and Easily Now

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Testimonials for

Dear Mr Galla, Being able to rely on your insurance in case of damages is truly wonderful. My experience in this area had not been all that good to this point.
But exali showed me that not all insurance companies are like that. I will definitely recommend this insurance product to others.
Daniel Lemmerz
ADL, exali customer since 2010
I am really very positively surprised by the competence and reliability shown by exali. My claim was settled quickly and easily with perfect service. I really would recommend this insurance to everyone. Many Thanks!
Sören Zschoche, Co-founder / Managing Director
Ajaska GmbH, exali customer since 2013
exali has been looking out for us for over 6 years, and we feel we are in very good hands. When a damage event occurred, it was clarified quickly and handled without complications. We would recommend exali without reservation and have already done so several times!
Simon Eberhardt, Managing Director
ideenhunger media GmbH, exali customer since 2012
After the damage event was reported, the case was resolved and settled within a week. Thank you for the quick and uncomplicated help and the great advice! We definitely recommend exali! The personal contact is great. Kind regards from the hazel team
Bianca Wengenroth
hazel, graphic + design, exali customer since 2010
When doubts become expensive certainties

Comprehensive Coverage: Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions in Hungary

As Hungarian office service provider, you should protect yourself with professional indemnity insurance as it significantly reduces the risks to your business. Even a small mistake like a missed appointment can cause extensive damage. Regardless of whether you take on secretarial tasks, keep accounts or do translations, the daily handling of external data remains a demanding task and requires insurance. All activities that are part of the normal risk of your profession are insured through blanket coverage for your profession.

Got your own website? Use social media? Fines for infringements of rights are covered by Professional Indemnity Insurance.

For Instant Protection: Get Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions Here

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