Professional Indemnity Insurance for Programmers in Croatia

With professional indemnity insurance, you’re protected against the risks that come with working as a freelance programmer from Croatia. As a freelancer, part of your day-to-day work involves writing source code tailored to your customers’ individual needs. Mistakes in your programming or missed deadlines can lead to expensive damages. Since you are liable to pay for professional errors using your private assets, even small missteps can threaten your very existence as a professional. With Professional Indemnity for Programmers from you get the best possible protection against customer damages or expensive first-party losses.
Professional Indemnity for Programmers
from € 133,10 net p.a.

Comprehensive Coverage with Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions

  • Insures against programming errors
  • Protects against unjustified damage compensation claims
  • Protects against data losses, violations of rights and material damages
  • Protects against missed deadlines and data protection breaches
  • Global and comprehensive protection against professional risks
  • Comprehensive protection against claims for compensation
  • Instant insurance protection with online approval
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Awarded the eKomi Gold Seal!
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Indemnity Insurance Seal for your Principals

  • Individual and comprehensive insurance protection
  • High coverage sums for financial losses
  • No-claims evidence going back five years’s Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions gives Croatian programmers like you the best possible protection. In the event of damages occurring, we will look after your case and resolve the matter fast – from reviewing claims and rejecting unjustified demands, to paying out damage compensation.

Coding Backfire? Financial Losses Covered

As a programmer, methods, classes, functions, variables and objects are part and parcel of your normal working day. Even small details like a missing semi-colon, a transposed digit or forgetting to close your brackets can lead to serious errors in your code. If your customer loses money as a result of your programming error, then this is a case of so-called financial losses. Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions protects you against the costly consequences of financial losses - the insurer reviews the claim and either pays out compensation or rejects unfounded claims on your behalf.

Upgrade your Professional Indemnity: Individual Protection with FPC

Whether it’s Python, Node JS or Kotlin - every programmer has their preferred programming language. Thanks to our First-Party Cyber and Data Risks Insurance (FPC) add-on for the Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions product, you also have a choice when it comes to your insurance coverage which you can adapt to suit your individual needs. This means you can protect yourself against any first-party losses you suffer due to hacker attacks and data losses.

Protecting Against Liability Claims

As a freelancer, you can quickly become the scapegoat for a software project that’s gone wrong. Freelancers are often the ones given the blame when errors occur on projects involving multiple teams working together. If this should happen, you can benefit from our passive legal expenses insurance for Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions. Your insurer reviews the issue of who is at fault and bears all court fees and other legal costs. Unjustified claims brought against you are rejected on your behalf.

Protection for Material Damages and Personal Injury

The General Liability Insurance included in your Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions also protects you in case of any material damages and personal injuries you cause as part of your professional activities. No matter if you lose the key to your client’s office or accidentally spill hot coffee on one of your client’s employees, Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions covers material damages and personal injuries at your place of work. Your insurer bears the costs for replacing keys and for the injured employee’s medical treatment.

Why choose

  • Talk to a real person - no call centre!
  • We know what your daily worklife is like, meaning we know what you need
  • Our insurance conditions are tailored to your business
  • We handle your damages immediately
  • We make sure that your insured damage event is also resolved!
  • We also insure against unusual risks (e.g. contract liability, contract penalties)

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Indemnity Insurance for Croatian Programmers: All-round Protection for Your Industry

Blanket coverage: Do you also offer consulting or training services alongside your programming activities? With Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions from, all liability risks arising from your professional activities are covered unless explicitly excluded. Thanks to our blanket coverage of your profession, you can add other activities and get these automatically insured as well.

Protection against violations of rights and infringements: Do you have your own website and social media channels and do you advertise your services? Then you may find yourself on the receiving end of official warnings about rights violations (e.g. copyright infringements or breaches of competition regulations). With’s Professional Indemnity Insurance, you get comprehensive protection in these sorts of cases as well. In the event of damages, our customer care experts are here for you.

Programmer Indemnity Insurance

First-party losses that we can insure: With’s optional add-on for Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions, you can extend your coverage and insure first-party losses too. First-Party Cyber and Data Risks Insurance (FPC) protects you in case of cybercrime and covers you for any first-party losses suffered as a result.

If your customer falls victim to cybercrime, because you overlooked a security loophole in your source code for example, then your insurer will cover any costs incurred as a result (e.g. lost profit for the customer and costs for forensic IT technicians). Even contract penalties are covered by your insurance protection in the event that you breach data protection and confidentiality agreements.

As a Croatian programmer, you work in all sorts of different industries for various different clients. Whether it’s an Android app for that start-up round the corner, or a massive software project for a global corporation: your know-how is the cornerstone of any software, website or app capable of knocking your customers’ socks off and satisfying their needs and expectations. Deadline pressure, teamwork and clients who keep on adding new requirements to an on-going project: as a programmer, you have a lot of risks to contend with in your daily worklife. With Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions from, you get comprehensive coverage no matter what industry you’re working in.

Software Programmers

As a software programmer, you write the hardware source code (e.g. using Java for a coffee machine) and specify how the code is supposed to work and function. As an application software programmer, you write the source code for computer programs (e.g. image editing software).

Database Programmers

Whether its accounting, online shops, controlling or administration: when the words Big Data appear, that’s when you come in as a database programmer. You look after the data in the database, program the search functions and set up access rights for employees.

Web Programmers

As a web programmer, you write code for websites, online shops, blogs, cloud applications or web applications like Google Maps or the Google search engine. You might do this using JavaScript, PHP or SQL, or using HTML and CSS for visual presentation.

App Programmers

Mobile first! That’s the motto if you want to make your customers successful in their digital business. And you’re the one who helps them do just that. You develop apps for Android and iOS devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and smart TVs).



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Ideal Protection with Professional Indemnity from These Are the Risks You Face as a Programmer in Croatia


Programmer Indemnity

Potential Damages Caused by Programmers from Croatia

  • You’re modifying the code for an online shop in Zagreb. An error has slipped in undetected, meaning the program is retrieving incorrect product prices from the database. The error is only discovered weeks later. The shop owner demands compensation from you.
  • A large corporation books you for a software project. Your client keeps demanding more and more functions for the software that weren’t agreed upon in advance. As a result, you find yourself unable to meet the final deadline and the end of the project is delayed. The client blames you and demands compensation.
  • At a meeting with your client in Split, an employee walks in and trips over your laptop cable. As they do, they injure themselves and the coffee they are holding lands on another employee’s laptop. You have to pay for the personal injuries and material damages this has caused.

Reviews for

[...] We were looking around for general liability insurance last week and were so unsure of ourselves that we ended up with the old “bog standard insurance”, poring over 92-page PDFs and dealing with completely clueless insurance agents. We’d pretty much given up until Google led us to exali [...]
Suddenly, everything was a breeze. The follow-up call with their customer service team, in particular, helped us get a clearer picture and it was a breath of fresh air talking to somebody who, first of all, understands our industry and knows the insurance jungle, and on top of that can explain everything to us in simple terms. Fantastic. 20 minutes later we had all the insurance we needed and left feeling good. Crazy. Thank you so much!
Harry Keller, Co-founder, exali customer since 2016
Excellent service! I insured an SaaS IT online start-up. At Exali, no expense or effort is spared when it comes to advising even small IT companies and start-ups so comprehensively that - even for critical types like myself - they really don’t let any question go unanswered. It didn't matter that I was just a prospective client and not yet a paying customer.
I had a consultation with Mr Leichter who spent almost an hour patiently and very competently dispelling all my concerns that a non-lawyer might have after reading through the extensive contract documents. My impression: for me as a start-up, the service you get with the Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions doesn’t compare, and I’ve rarely been looked after so well.
Peter D., Owner, exali customer since 2017
Dear Mr Galla, Being able to rely on your insurance in case of damages is truly wonderful. My experience in this area had not been all that good to this point.
But exali showed me that not all insurance companies are like that. I will definitely recommend this insurance product to others.
Daniel Lemmerz
ADL, exali customer since 2010

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