Indemnity Insurance for System Administrators in Hungary

Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions in Hungary offers freelance and self-employed system administrators comprehensive protection against compensation claims from customers and clients. This product rejects unjustified claims at the insurer’s expense (“passive” legal expenses insurance) and takes care of justified claims for you to safeguard your economic livelihood.
Professional Indemnity Insurance for system administator - A Better Way to do General Liability Insurance
from € 133,10 net p.a.

Examples of System Administrator Risks in Hungary:

  • Data losses/back-up system failures
  • Server and network failures
  • Damages caused by DDoS and hacker attacks
  • Damages caused by viruses, worms and Trojans
  • Failed server updates
  • Business interruption damages incurred by customers
  • Additional costs due to project delays
  • Lost sales or profits for your customers

All-round Coverage - with Professional Indemnity Insurance

Complete Protection

Open coverage - everything that is not excluded is insured

First-party Cyber Insurance

Insure against cyber damages caused by hacking

Infringements of Rights

Protect yourself against legal risks like copyright infringements

Awarded the eKomi Gold Seal!
Awarded the eKomi Gold Seal!
4.8 / 5
Average determined from 1510 ratings
exali Liability Seal

Indemnity Insurance Seal for your Principals

  • Individual and comprehensive insurance protection
  • High coverage sums for financial losses
  • No-claims evidence going back five years

 Why Choose

  • Get in touch with us by phone any time - with no call centre!
  • We know what your daily worklife is like, meaning we know what you need
  • We’ve developed policy wordings tailored to suit your business
  • We handle your damages immediately
  • We make sure that your insured damage event is also resolved!
  • We also insure against unusual risks (e.g. contract liability, contract penalties)

With Professional Indemnity Insurance in Hungary


All-round Protection

Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions combines general liability or professional indemnity insurance, and financial loss indemnity insurance modules with protection against consequential losses.

Open coverage is particularly important for project-based work.

This insures you against all programmer risks, so there’s no need to name them all in an exhaustive list.

Calculate your premium now

Reviews for

[...] We were looking around for general liability insurance last week and were so unsure of ourselves that we ended up with the old “bog standard insurance”, poring over 92-page PDFs and dealing with completely clueless insurance agents. We’d pretty much given up until Google led us to exali [...]
Suddenly, everything was a breeze. The follow-up call with their customer service team, in particular, helped us get a clearer picture and it was a breath of fresh air talking to somebody who, first of all, understands our industry and knows the insurance jungle, and on top of that can explain everything to us in simple terms. Fantastic. 20 minutes later we had all the insurance we needed and left feeling good. Crazy. Thank you so much!
Harry Keller, Co-founder, exali customer since 2016
Excellent service! I insured an SaaS IT online start-up. At Exali, no expense or effort is spared when it comes to advising even small IT companies and start-ups so comprehensively that - even for critical types like myself - they really don’t let any question go unanswered. It didn't matter that I was just a prospective client and not yet a paying customer.
I had a consultation with Mr Leichter who spent almost an hour patiently and very competently dispelling all my concerns that a non-lawyer might have after reading through the extensive contract documents. My impression: for me as a start-up, the service you get with the Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions doesn’t compare, and I’ve rarely been looked after so well.
Peter D., Owner, exali customer since 2017
Dear Mr Galla, Being able to rely on your insurance in case of damages is truly wonderful. My experience in this area had not been all that good to this point.
But exali showed me that not all insurance companies are like that. I will definitely recommend this insurance product to others.
Daniel Lemmerz
ADL, exali customer since 2010

Indemnity Insurance for System Administrators in Hungary


Although clients often require special professional indemnity insurance in the world of IT projects, many Hungarian freelance or self-employed system administrators are not – or not yet adequately – protected against compensation claims. This is despite the fact that even small mistakes in the everyday life of a system administrator can have an unexpectedly large impact and lead to significant claims. Imagine if a server goes down for several hours, there’s a security gap in the system or you fail to notice certain error messages.

Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions from gives you reliable protection thanks to its integrated financial loss indemnity insurance, general liability insurance or professional indemnity insurance. With Indemnity Insurance for System Administrators, you get insurance coverage tailored to your specific risks, giving you the peace of mind you need in your day-to-day work, even if something goes wrong.

Professional Indemnity Insurance for System Administrator

With the Open Coverage in Our Policy Wordings, You’re Insured Against the Following Activities and More:

  • Software and hardware manufacture and commerce
  • Implementing software and hardware
  • Repair, maintenance, modification of software and hardware
  • IT-specific consulting, training, analysis activities
  • Planning, setting up and organising networks
  • Provider services: e.g. cloud computing, SaaS
  • Internet, intranet and online services: e.g. domain services, web design, SEO, SEM


Quick and Easy – Get Professional Indemnity Insurance (Pii) for Digital Professions Now

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Financial Loss Indemnity Insurance for System Administrators in Hungary

Professional mistakes by system administrators often have financial consequences (= financial losses) for the customer. Our Financial Loss Indemnity Insurance for System Administrators from Hungary kicks in whenever these sorts of losses happen; if a customer suffers losses because of a business interruption or if viruses, worms or trojans are transmitted as a result of your mistake, for example. Additionally, our Financial Loss Indemnity Insurance also covers legal costs in the event that unjustified claims are made because of a damage event.

General Liability Insurance for System Administrators

An important addition to this insurance coverage is our General Liability Insurance for System Administrators. This insures you against personal injuries and property damage, as well as consequential losses resulting from your service or work. Our General Liability Insurance also gives you protection against damages caused to rented properties, and damages caused by on-site activities at customer premises or on business trips. premiums have a modular structure and can be adapted to a system administrator’s business flexibly. Even smaller service providers and freelancers can apply for high insurance sums if necessary.

Calculate your premium online now at to see your ideal coverage and how much it will cost you.