Professional Indemnity for Maltese Energy Consultants

Professional indemnity insurance protects you as an energy consultant in Malta from the financial risks associated with your professional activity. Errors in advice can often lead to extensive problems. The resulting claims for damages can quickly threaten the financial existence of energy efficiency experts. Professional Indemnity Insurance offers you custom insurance coverage tailored to your professional field.

Professional indemnity insurance for energy consultants
from € 170,60 net p.a.

Examples of Insured Risks:

  • Errors in advice
  • Errors in an appraisal or report
  • Incorrect energy requirements certificate or energy consumption certificate
  • Errors when applying for funding
  • Consequential damage
  • Fines
  • Claims for damages
  • Personal injuries and property damage
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Awarded the eKomi Gold Seal!
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exali Liability Seal

Indemnity Insurance Seal for your Principals

  • Individual and comprehensive insurance protection
  • High coverage sums for financial losses
  • No-claims evidence going back five years

Professional Indemnity Insurance from is the ideal choice for you as an energy consultant from Malta. In the event of a claim, our customer service experts are there for you and handle your case quickly and professionally. And because we know the risks associated with your activities, we also know what good protection should look like:

Protection in Case of Financial Losses

Regardless of whether you provide consulting or prepare expert opinions: Financial loss is the greatest risk that you bear as an energy consultant. If your clients have a renovation carried out on your recommendation and the hoped-for savings do not materialise, high costs for a repair may quickly arise. Your clients may claim these costs back from you as compensation for damages. Depending on the amount, this can lead to financial ruin. With Professional Indemnity Insurance for energy consultants, you protect yourself from the expensive consequences of professional mistakes. The insurer will check at its own expense whether claims against you are justified. If the claims for compensation are legitimate, they will be paid; otherwise, you will be defended.

Property Damage and Personal Injury Are Covered

Did you accidentally knock down an expensive vase during an on-site consultation? Your customer’s child trips over your briefcase that you left on the floor and is injured in the process? You lose the key to your rented office space and the locks have to be replaced? With the integrated general liability insurance, personal injuries and property damage are also comprehensively covered, regardless of whether you work in your office or at your client’s location. The insurer will pay the costs of medical treatment for the injured child or reimburses the cost for damaged items. Damage to rented property or to rented office space (e.g. replacement of locks) is also covered.

Third-party Cyber Damage Is Also Insured

In the modern working world, you cannot avoid having your own website and appearing on social media. But digitisation also brings new risks with it too. Cyber crime is one of the greatest threats to your business. Professional Indemnity for Energy Consultants covers cyber damage that you cause to a third party. Regardless of whether important client data is lost or a virus spreads on your client’s computer, you are comprehensively protected with Professional Indemnity Insurance from

Expandable with Additional Add-on

As an energy consultant, you have to look at each building individually and create a suitable energy concept. Why should things be any different for your professional security? You can expand your Professional Indemnity Insurance for Energy Consultants with the optional FPC add-on and adapt your insurance coverage to your needs. First-Party Cyber and Data Risks Insurance (FPC) covers cyber damage (such as viruses, data loss or Trojans) that occurs to you (first-party claim).


Maltese Energy Consultant for Private Households


Professional Indemnity for energy consultants

As an energy consultant for private households, you are on site with your clients helping them save energy costs and protect the environment. You ensure the goals of the EnEV are taken into account during renovation work and that the energy efficiency of properties and monuments is increased. During the on-site consultation, you analyse the current condition of a property and use thermography and airtightness measurements to check whether and where there is still potential for savings.

In addition, you issue energy requirement certificates and energy consumption certificates and help your clients find and apply for the right subsidies.

The most frequent and consequential damages arise from incorrect advice, errors in the calculation of savings or in the selection of subsidies and also damage to property at on-site appointments. With Professional Indemnity Insurance for Digital Professions, you are protected as an energy consultant for private households from the financial consequences of professional errors.

All-round Protection with Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions For:

  • Errors in advice, errors in reports and when applying for subsidies
  • Claims for compensation, fines and third-party claims
  • Personal injury, property damage and consequential damage

The insurer will check at its own expense whether claims for compensation made against you are legitimate. Justified claims are paid, while unjustified claims are defended against. Thanks to passive legal expenses insurance, in the event of a dispute with your client, court, lawyer or expert costs will also be covered. With the optional First-Party Cyber and Data Risks Insurance (FCP) add-on, you can expand your insurance coverage to meet your individual needs.

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Why choose

  • Talk to a real person - no call centre!
  • We know what your daily worklife is like, meaning we know what you need
  • Our insurance conditions are tailored to your business
  • We handle your damages immediately
  • We make sure that your insured damage event is also resolved!
  • We also insure against unusual risks (e.g. contract liability, contract penalties)

Reviews for

When I received the email from you that the settlement and transfer of compensation had been handled, I couldn’t believe it. It had been less than 40 hours after my claim. And 40 hours after that, the money was actually in my account. Your service is incredibly good and fast. Thank you and the HISCOX team for your professionalism.
Andre Peters, Owner
Andre Peters • Media Consulting, exali customer since 2011
Thank you for handling my belated request to change the contract (partial termination). This tells me I made the right choice with exali as a partner for my insurance matters. Insurance is a matter of trust, and I trust exali.
Dierk Söllner, consultant, trainer and coach for IT service management and agile organisational development
Dierk Söllner, exali customer since 2011
After I decided to start my own business as a technical and scientific consultant, I began looking for suitable financial loss liability insurance. I found that most companies only offer “tailor-made” solutions for architects / engineers, doctors / health professionals and lawyers.
With Professional Indemnity for Digital Professions, you have closed a real gap in the market. The exali homepage is clear and provides all the important information on conditions and premiums. After visiting the site for the first time, the only questions that remained unanswered were specifically related to the nature and scope of my work. These points were clarified quickly, and concluding the contract online was quick and uncomplicated. Thank you again for the great, fast service.
Dr. Robert Otto
Dr. R. Otto - Consulting VT, exali customer since 2012

These Typical Examples of Damage Are No Problem Thanks to Professional Indemnity for Energy Consultants

Risks for energy consultants


Expensive Vase Breaks

During an energy consultation in a small apartment in Valletta, you examine every room in the house for potential savings. Using thermography you check the thermal insulation of the building. You notice that the windows lose a lot of heat. So you take a closer look at the windows to rule out defective seals. In the process, you accidentally knock an old vase off the windowsill. The tenant of the apartment demands compensation from you for the antique vase.

Error in an Energy Certificate

You are hired to create an energy certificate for a residential building. You appraise the building and create the energy certificate based on the data you have collected. The seller of the property presents the energy certificate to the buyer. The energy balance of the property is a decisive purchase criterion for the interested party. Because your energy certificate certifies that the building has low energy consumption, the interested party is convinced and signs the purchase contract. After he buys the property, however, it turns out that the energy certificate is incorrect and the building has a poorer energy balance. The buyer demands compensation from you because the property consumes more energy than assumed before the purchase.

Subsidies Not Received

A homeowner in Senglea wants to make her property more energy efficient and is planning a modernisation. She asks you to do an assessment. She also wants you to help apply for the right subsidies. After the work has been completed, the application for subsidies is rejected because the modernisation does not meet all of the requirements that are necessary for a subsidy. The homeowner demands compensation from you because she firmly planned on receiving the subsidies for the modernisation.

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